Viva Gym
Viva approached Design Partnership to lead the design and experience of these spaces and help give character to what had the potential to feel like a stripped-down box.
1800sqm / Johannesburg, South Africa / 2016
Project info
Fourways, Johannesburg, South Africa
Viva Gym is an affordable, South Africa dry gym (which means no pool) with world class equipment.
User experience strategy, interior design concept, technical documentation, signage and branding Implementation co-ordination, project management, procurement, compliance.

Viva Gym is a “dry gym concept” that started in a new niche market formed out the existing big-box gym mindset in South Africa. At the onset Viva were in a race with some competitors to offer a premium/ value service to customers in a “no contract – no hassles” package where memberships don’t subsidies redundant services you don’t use, like pools, saunas and the likes.
Viva approached Design Partnership to lead the design and experience of these spaces and help give character to what had the potential to feel like a stripped-down box. DP have successfully completed 7 gyms of approximately 1800sqm. Each Gym has its own personality but a common thread relying on grey & natural tones to help anchor the spaces allowing the bright Viva branding & urban graphics to take centre stage creating fun experiences for each training zone.
DP have successfully completed 7 gyms of approximately 1800sqm, 2016