An office space contributing to ATTACQ's unique culture of putting people first.
Waterfall City, Johannesburg, South Africa / 2023
Project info
Waterfall City, Johannesburg
Attacq is an innovative REIT, based in South Africa and listed on the JSE.
User Experience Strategy, Interior Design, Concept Design Development, Technical Documentation, FF&E Procurement

A neighbourhood is an area where people live and interact with one another, each possessing a distinct identity or 'feel' shaped by its residents and nearby places.
ATTACQ is renowned for making a difference in local properties and neighbourhoods, creating safe, sustainable spaces where people connect.
Their forward-thinking approach to the dynamic nature of corporate, commercial, and residential properties future-proofs their asset portfolio. ATTACQ's unique development of community-driven precincts results ina mixed-use real estate ecosystem, fostering safe spaces for people to connect.
The office space concept incorporates the key principles that make a great neighbourhood, contributing to ATTACQ's unique culture of putting people first.